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Career and College Promise (CCP) Program for High School Students in the Land of Sky Region

For students and their families just learning about the Career and College Promise, or CCP, program, it can feel overwhelming and confusing. There are so many options and so many acronyms (CCP, WCE, CTE, CIHS, and others)! What is a Cooperative Innovative High School? What is the difference between a Workforce Continuing Education pathway and a Career Technical Education pathway? What is Career and College Promise anyway?
Don’t worry! We partnered with the two community colleges in our region–Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (A-B Tech) and Blue Ridge Community College–to prepare a series of educational videos to answer these questions and more so you can decide which CCP option will be the best fit for your specific situation. Check out the videos below to learn more about all of the CCP offerings that are available to students in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania counties.
What Is Career and College Promise (CCP)?
CCP Video Transcript
0:00 We are often asked what is CCP anyway?
0:03 Well, CCP is career and college promise and it is an opportunity for students to duly enroll in college and high school at the same time.
0:11 It is an opportunity for students while they are in high school to take classes tuition free and learn more about
0:19 the career options that are available to them and the college transfer opportunities that are available to them.
0:24 So a great question is what are the benefits for parents and students to be in CCP?
0:29 So there are so many advantages. The biggest one being cost.
0:33 Career and College Promise is a tuition free program, so students aren’t required to pay tuition for those courses.
0:40 And one of the many benefits is that students receive both high school and college credit for the courses that they are taking,
0:47 which helps them towards degree completion. Getting that done way ahead of time and also saving families money towards educational expenses.
0:57 So it really is a win win for students and families.
1:00 These classes transfer to other community colleges as well as universities within the state.
1:06 So it is a great opportunity for students to take advantage of while they’re in high school.
1:12 Another benefit is exploration. So it’s a big decision to decide what you want to do after you’re done with high school.
1:19 So that’s what CCP is for. It gives students that opportunity to try different things out, see what they’re interested in.
1:25 So, you know, maybe it’s nursing, maybe it’s engineering, maybe it’s automotive, and those are all things you can do through CCP.
1:32 What is a pathway exactly? We talk about pathways all the time and in career, in college promise or CCP,
1:40 a pathway is a structured opportunity for a student to take classes towards a specific goal.
1:47 Whether that is to transfer on to a four year institution or to explore a career or earn a credential or diploma.
1:55 So these are highly structured pathways for students to follow.
1:58 So there’s no ambiguity about what class they need to take towards that future goal and aspiration.
2:05 The second pathway option for high school students are transfer pathways.
2:10 So these programs are specifically made to help students reach their four year aspirations.
2:15 So in North Carolina, we have the comprehensive articulation agreement, which is a statewide agreement, to make transferring credits seamless.
2:23 So it moves from the community college to the university.
2:26 So students have the option of taking things like the associated arts, the associated science and an engineering pathway and nursing pathway.
2:34 And all of those would move on to the four year institution. So the question is, where can you find out more?
2:40 So make sure to look at your community college’s website for career and college promise.
2:46 You can also visit the North Carolina Community College website to find more.
2:50 Or ask your counselor. They’re there to help answer those questions.
Career and College Promise (CCP) in the Land of Sky Region
Through the Career and College Promise (CCP) program, also known as dual enrollment, eligible high school junior and seniors can take college courses tuition-free while earning both high school credit and college credit.
Buncombe County and Madison County
Asheville City Schools, Buncombe County Schools, and Madison County Schools all partner with Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (A-B Tech) to implement the CCP program to students in these districts. Learn more at A-B Tech’s Career and College Promise webpage.
Henderson and Tranylvania Counties
Blue Ridge Community College is the site for the CCP program in these counties. For more information on both of these options, please visit Blue Ridge Community College’s Career and College Promise webpage.
All Counties
You can also learn more about the CCP program on the North Carolina Community College System’s CCP webpage.
What Pathways Are Available in Career and College Promise (CCP)?
CCP College Transfer Pathway Video Transcript
0:00 In the college transfer pathway, students have many options available to them.
0:05 They range from the associate of Arts, associate of science degrees to engineering, nursing and fine arts.
0:12 And again, it really depends on what a student’s future goal is in terms of a major as to what pathway they would choose.
0:19 A liaison or advisor is available to help guide you in that so you’re never alone in making those decisions.
0:27 And we also have strong relationships with our university partners.
0:32 So there are very clear pathways for students to transfer in to a specific major in the future.
0:39 So you’re taking those classes that will definitely go towards your future goals.
0:43 In terms of a major in career, there are two types of pathways in career and college promise or CCP.
0:51 The first is a career and technical education pathway, and this can be either in a curriculum program or in a workforce continuing education program,
1:00 but they are highly structured towards a career aspiration.
1:04 They range from accounting to automotive to aviation, welding, nursing, everything in between.
1:12 So students have an opportunity to really explore careers.
1:16 So why should students enroll in transfer pathways? The biggest one, of course, is cost.
1:20 So career and college promise is a tuition free program and it allows you to save before moving on to that four year institution.
1:29 And it also allows students to get a jump start on their goals.
1:33 Maybe you don’t know for sure what you want to get your bachelor degree in,
1:36 so test out some things at the community college level before moving on that will really make you feel confident in the decisions that you make.
1:45 The other pathway option for students is the college transfer pathway.
1:49 This is a highly structured opportunity for students to take classes that will transfer to the 16 campuses in the University of
1:57 North Carolina system and most of the private schools in the state under what’s called the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement.
2:04 And this allows students to be assured that the classes that they’re taking while they’re in dual enrollment
2:10 will transfer on to that university and will serve them well in that next educational adventure.
2:16 In order to help students figure out what pathway option is best for them.
2:20 Liaisons are available to assist students in advising them in career path opportunities as well as college transfer pathway opportunities.
2:30 And it’s really individualized to the student. What is it that the student wants to do and what are their future goals and aspirations?
2:37 That is the focus of what we do.
Career and College Promise (CCP) Pathways in the Land of Sky Region
Through the Career and College Promise (CCP) program, also known as dual enrollment, eligible high school junior and seniors can take college courses tuition-free while earning both high school credit and college credit. Three primary pathways are available:
- College Transfer Pathways (including Associate of Arts CCP Pathway, Associate of Science CCP Pathway, and Associate of Engineering CCP Pathway)
- Career and Technical Education Pathways (dozens of options area available)
- Cooperative Innovative High Schools (CIHSs)
Buncombe County and Madison County
Asheville City Schools, Buncombe County Schools, and Madison County Schools all partner with Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (A-B Tech) to implement the CCP program to students in these districts. Learn more at A-B Tech’s Career and College Promise webpage.
Henderson and Tranylvania Counties
Blue Ridge Community College is the site for the CCP program in these counties. For more information on both of these options, please visit Blue Ridge Community College’s Career and College Promise webpage.
What Are Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways?
CCP CTE Pathway Video Transcript
0:00 In terms of career and technical education pathways.
0:03 These are designed by each of the community colleges in the state, and they really reflect what’s needed in the community for economic development.
0:12 And what does that mean? That means that we are focused on making sure that the classes that are available to
0:17 you and the pathways that are available to you will lead to employment in this area,
0:23 and they will lead to high skilled, high wage jobs.
0:28 So that is really the focus with our career and technical education pathways.
0:32 They’re different at each community college because the need in each community is different.
0:37 So they’re really reflective of that.
0:39 But there are many opportunities and again, they range from automotive to aviation to engineering, welding and everything in between.
0:50 So there’s so many pathways to choose from. So all CTE pathways are different at each community college you’re enrolled in.
0:58 It’s based on the workforce needs in your community.
1:01 So they help you get an education that will allow you to get a high demand job where you live and the options are endless.
1:10 So make sure to reach out to your college, in your area to see what things are available to you.
1:16 And of course, tuition is waived. So this is a great time to get a jumpstart on that career that you could have after high school.
1:24 In the career and technical education pathways, you have two options.
1:28 There are career and technical education pathways in our curriculum programs.
1:32 Those are programs that allow you to earn a certificate or a diploma.
1:38 It is a professional preparation program that leads to employment, but can often take several semesters to complete those programs.
1:49 A workforce continuing education pathway is also a career and technical education pathway option for students.
1:55 That is professional preparation, but it’s a short term industry specific training program.
2:02 It allows you to build the skills that you need to move into that job that you want in the future.
2:08 Students often ask, What’s in it for me? Well, it’s free.
2:12 That’s definitely a great opportunity for you to earn college credits while you don’t have to pay for them.
2:18 But some of the other advantages are they help you get ahead in whatever your future goal or aspiration is,
2:24 whether that’s transferring to a four year institution or earning a degree or credential that leads directly to employment.
2:30 The classes also often carry AP or honors level weight in your high school GPA,
2:36 and oftentimes they can count toward your high school graduation requirements.
2:40 So it really is a win win. So how can you get involved?
2:46 Again, make sure to contact your local community college.
2:49 So looking for the liaisons in your schools, the career coaches in your schools, or maybe just meeting with your high school counselor.
2:56 They can help you talk through what options you have available to you and help you really decide what would be a good fit.
3:02 So these programs are available for nine through 12th grade. Eligibility is different depending on what grade that you’re in.
3:08 So make sure to talk to your community college and we’ll help lead you in the right direction.
CCP Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways in the Land of Sky Region
Career and College Promise (CCP) Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways develop skills for a specific career and allow students to earn a certificate or diploma while still in high school. The available pathways differ from one community college to the next because they are based on the economic development and workforce needs of the county or counties served by each community college.
Buncombe County and Madison County
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (A-B Tech) provides CCP CTE pathways to students in these counties. Learn more at A-B Tech’s CCP Career and Technical Education webpage.
Henderson and Tranylvania Counties
For students in these counties, Blue Ridge Community College is the provider of CCP CTE pathways. For more information, please visit Blue Ridge Community College’s CCP Career and Technical Education Pathways webpage.
What Is a Cooperative Innovative High School (CIHS)?
CIHS Video Transcript
0:00 Cooperative innovative schools are small schools that are designed to help you and focus on your individual educational path,
0:08 helping you decide what’s best for you, and moving forward towards your goals and aspirations.
0:14 You’ll be taking college classes from the beginning of that program all the way through high school graduation.
0:20 And in many times, students graduate with a full associate’s degree by the time they graduate from high school.
0:26 So it really is an awesome opportunity for students to earn those college
0:30 credits and really get a head start towards their next educational opportunity.
0:35 So how can you get involved with a cooperative, innovative high school?
0:38 Well, you should contact your local community college to find out more about the partnerships that they have with cooperative, innovative schools.
0:46 Again, they have so many different options. They can be career focused opportunities or they can be college transfer focused opportunities.
0:54 There are STEM schools available. So really the opportunities abound for you.
1:00 Contact your local community college and they can help direct you to the person who can help you take that next step in your educational adventure.
1:09 Cooperative, innovative high schools are different in every county, so we try to offer a lot of different options.
1:15 So there will be early college opportunity. So these are five year programs that you will graduate with a two year degree at the end of it,
1:22 and you could actually get it in a career technical pathway or a transfer degree, depending on what your goals are.
1:28 There are career academies that are two year program that just help you keep
1:33 building on those career specific pathways that you’ve started in the high school.
1:38 And then there are middle colleges. So this is a big decision to decide what cooperative, innovative high school may be the best fit for you.
1:46 So working with a counselor, talking with your parent,
1:49 and then maybe even meeting at the site of those schools will help you decide, well, where will I fit in the best?
Cooperative Innovative High Schools in the Land of Sky Region
Buncombe County and Madison County
In these counties, the local school systems partner with Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (A-B Tech) to provide students with comprehensive and accessible education through the Cooperative Innovative High School model. There are a total of five CIHSs in these two counties.
Asheville City Schools
- School of Inquiry and Life Sciences at Asheville (SILSA)
Buncombe County Schools
- Buncombe County Early College
- Buncombe County Middle College
- Martin L. Nesbitt Jr. Discovery Academy
Madison County Schools
- Madison Early College High School
Learn more about all of these options at A-B Tech’s webpage for Cooperative Innovative High Schools.
Henderson County
Blue Ridge Community College partners with Henderson County Public Schools to offer two CIHSs for students in that school district.
- Career Academy
- Henderson County Early College High School
For more information on both of these options, please visit Blue Ridge Community College’s webpage for Innovative High Schools.
Transylvania County
There is not currently a CIHS in Transylvania County; however, students in Transylvania County Schools have other options, including Career and College Promise (CCP), which is also known as dual-enrollment.
What Are Workforce Continuing Education (WCE) Pathways?
WCE Video Transcript
0:00 So what is a workforce continuing education pathway and how is that different from a career and technical education pathway?
0:07 They’re similar in that they provide for you an opportunity to focus on the skills and knowledge that you need to go into a specific industry.
0:18 But a career and technical education pathway is focused on a degree or credential that often takes a year or maybe more to complete a workforce.
0:28 Continuing education pathway is a short term industry specific training opportunity.
0:34 So it’s going to take a far less amount of time for you to complete that pathway opportunity.
0:39 And again, it’s specific to a career and a skill set that you need in a specific industry.
0:45 Each community college has a different workforce continuing education pathway option,
0:50 and that’s based on the programs that are available at that college.
0:53 But it’s also based on what your high school offers.
0:57 We work very closely with your high school to make sure that the programs that you’re taking at the community college are aligned
1:03 with what you’re doing in high school so that you can continue that training opportunity from high school through community college.
1:10 So just like how career technical pathways are different in every community college, so our workforce continuing education programs,
1:18 so they’re all based on the needs in our community and what jobs are really in demand in that moment.
1:24 So maybe there are industry areas with a huge need to fill jobs and this is what these programs are for,
1:30 really get you started and lead you to a career opportunity after high school.
1:35 So make sure to ask your community college or your counselors to see what options you have.
1:42 In the workforce. Continuing education pathways, again, are short term.
1:46 They’re designed to get you there quicker. They’re designed to get you into that field with the skills that you need to be successful.
1:53 And you might ask, How can I find out more?
1:55 Well, you should contact your local community college, contact us so that we can tell you what’s available to you.
2:01 All the opportunities that are available to you in each of the community colleges,
2:06 but also reach out to your school counselor or your career development coordinator.
They can help assist you in deciding what might be the best path for you.