In the week leading up to FAFSA Day, P20 staff printed and delivered fliers, in English and Spanish, to every public school in our four-county region. This project was the latest collaboration with our frequent partner, Devon McCarthy-James, the Regional Representative for the West region for the College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC). Devon led the communication and outreach efforts with counselors at all the high schools. In addition, she equipped us with marketing tools and other resources that enabled us to produce the appropriate number of fliers for each school. All together we provided each high school with enough fliers to send home with every one of their seniors–nearly 3,300 fliers in all!
# of Counties Visited
# of High Schools Visited
# of FAFSA Day Fliers Delivered

Stacks of FAFSA Day fliers on a desk at the Land of Sky P20 Council office.
FAFSA Day events were held in our region at A-B Tech, Blue Ridge Community College, Brevard College, Mars Hill University, Montreat College, and UNCA. P20’s Executive Director, Emily Nicholson, attended and assisted at the FAFSA Day event at Montreat College, and Devon from CFNC attended and assisted at the FAFSA Day event at UNCA.
Photos from 2024 FAFSA Day Event at Montreat College

Photos from 2024 FAFSA Day Event at UNC Asheville